Friday 29 July 2011

Stop 1 - Shire of Bland

West Wyalong - capital of Bland
Well, yes, the adventure - for the fourth youngest member of Team NQTLBros at least - has commenced.  And what an adventure.  Stopping at West Wyalong in the Shire of Bland.  I am not kidding. It really is.  Really.

Anyway, its just Dad at this stage as I make my way to Byron Bay where I will be joined by the three youngest members of the team and the fifth youngest member of the team (Mum).  We will stay there for a few nights before moving on to Coolum where we will meet up wtih Nana and Pa.  And then we do a lap of Australia - up to Townsville, across to Kakadu and Darwin, Broome, then Kimberleys, down the WA coast to Perth and Margaret River, Esperance and then back home.  We are planning to do "the lap" and will not be going into the centre.  Once in a lifetime to see Coober Pedy was quite enough thanks very much. 

The idea is that we will back in time for Christmas but we otherwise do not have a strict timeline. Nana and Pa might bale on us at some stage but we do not really when or where.  Course, we might not get any further than Coolum.  But I did get further than my eldest sister and her family.  They didn't get out of their driveway on their trip around the country before the car bottomed out and wrecked their tow bar.  Three days for repairs!  This adaption to the outdoor life must be in the genes.

Its not all bad in Tocumwal - fish and chips by the mighty Murray -
a significant improvement of their dodgy pubs
Anyway, I learned something today.  People worry about the death of the typical Australia pub (well, I don't actually know that they do but people seem to worry most things and this is one of the things that they could worry about.)  I was quite excited this morning when I thought - travelling alone for three days - would give me the chance to have a few counter meals from typical Aussie country pubs. Lunch stop - Tocumwal.   I knew there was a potential issue when the sign outside said that the daily special was "Meatloaf with vegetables."  But I figured I should venture in and give it a crack.  Well, as soon as I ventured in, the music stopped and seven eyes became fixed on me - the bar person and the three locals although one of the locals had a crazy, bung eye that was wondering all over the place and who knows what that eye was looking at.  Anyway, the pub stank (and not of alcohol which is an acceptable stink), it was all dirty and the furniture did not look hygenic.  Neither did the bar staff.  It was apparent that this would be an uncomfortable meal.  So, I did what any self respecting city folk would do - I lied.  "Sorry, just looking for someone" before beating a hasty retreat.  Pub No 2 was even worse.

Now, I do not want to be judgmental and I might be destroying the last remaing hope that I held for becoming leader of the National Party but the people in the pub did not appear to be typical Aussie battlers.  Or, if they were, then the typical Aussie battler is an alcoholic.  None of them seemed to be on their first pot (or schooner - even though we were only just into NSW).

Anyway, give me the open plan, minimalist, city pub without the "locals" any day.  I think it says a lot about me that I can handle the 24 year old in a suit with a tie around his head much easier than I can these "locals".  The 24 year old may still have some hope  - albeit not much if he is an accountant.  But then, call me a city loving, yuppie, country hater - because that is pretty accurate - but do not worry about the death of the typcial Aussie country pub.  They are crap.

So, we have established that I do not really like camping or country people.  Should be a cracking 5 months... 

Monday 25 July 2011

The speed hump

There aren't any speed humps in our street - or in South Road - or Beach Road or, indeed, anywhere until you pretty much get to Byron Bay.  So, it is with some irony that we have hit our first speed hump and we have not even left yet.

Now, it should never be said that the members of Team NQLTBros are not great campers.  There have been a number of unfounded rumours that we hate camping but they are not true.  We are planning to do it for 5 months after all.  Having said that, the newest member of Team NQTLBros (aka Yvette) managed to develop pneumonia after the shake out trip down to Apollo Bay - and we were only there for a night.  Makes you wonder what she make manage to catch over 5 months.

Anyway, she is now well on the road to recovery (to continue the speed hump theme) but we have to make sure she will be fine.  Hence, our timing may be a little delayed.  We will keep you posted.

On a even more serious note, there is another matter that may delay us even if Yvette is okay.  One of the inspirations for the trip is Dan Hoyne - the cousin of the fourth oldest member of Team NQTLBros.  He is only 35 and was diagnosed wtih cancer.  He is, in part, responsible for this trip because Team NQTLBros decided that one cannot wait around their whole lives to do the things you really want to do - you have to go and do them whenever you can because you just do not know what tomorrow holds.  Anyway, Dan is not doing so well.  Indeed, outside of a miracle, he will not be with us for much longer.  Our thoughts and prayers and wtih his partner, Kate, his parents, Laurie and Sharon and his brothers, Mat and Paul.  It would he hard to find a better family that these people and a better bloke than Dan.  There is not much fairness in outcomes like this and there is nothing we can say to even reduce your pain one millionth of one percent.  If there was, we would do it.

*On an editorial note, Team NQTLBRos was advised that the previous colours on the blog made it hard to read so we changed them.  Hope this makes it easier for your 41 year old eyes Bean...

Monday 18 July 2011

The shake out - Apollo Bay

The Not Quite the Leyland Bros (NQTLBros) team headed off to not-so-sunny Apollo Bay for the weekend.  We needed to check out the new van to see what else was required before we head off.  And it was quite successful in that respect.  A new power lead and a desire to get rid of a whole heap of stuff that we have purchased but which I cannot be bother lugging around for 5 months.

Anyway, the joy of this trip reminded me why I used to hate camping so much and why my friends find it so funny that I am now going camping for 5 months. Camping in rain is no fun.  Camping in 10 degrees is no fun.  Camping wtih a 5 year old that gets up at 3.00am, 3.20am, 3.50am, 4.30am, 5.10am and 6am is no fun.  However, what is particularly no fun is camping with an 12 month baby that has gastro.  And what makes it even less fun is when dad gets gastro too.  All very unattractive.

Anyway, we are still going.  Its a tad too early to pull out yet.  But an interesting reality check this early in the adventure. 

Friday 1 July 2011

In the beginning ...

“You are travelling around Australia in a caravan? You?  Really?  Oh, that’s great.  What an adventure.”

That’s the typical reaction we get when we tell people about our plan to travel around Australia in a caravan.  However, experience has taught that what they are really saying is:

“WTF?  You have got to be kidding or you have gone insane.  That sounds about as much fun as sticking a three inch nail into your eyeball
Not that these people are against caravanning or camping or taking 5 months off work.  No,  its more the fact that (a) when the Lemonheads wrote the song, “The Outdoor Type”, they could have well been singing about me; and (b) we have three pre-school age kids. 

So I should explain how we got ourselves into this.  Simone (aka mum) and I (aka dad) were watching some show about camping and caravanning and I said, “We should do that.” 

Seriously.  That’s how much thought I put into it. 

We had talked about doing the around Australia adventure but that was really a discussion about what we would do when we retired.  And it was Simone that really wanted to do it and not me.  And certainly I did not want to do it now – when we have three kids under 6.  Going around Australia now would be insane. 

Anyway, Simone did not really answer me – something like, “Now?”  To which I responded, “yes”.  Simone: “Yeah, right.”  .  Marcus: “Well, apparently you do not want to do it so that is fine.”  Simone: “Well, if you want to do it then I would love to do it.” 

So really, the whole idea was a big game of chicken where Simone and I just kept raising the stakes and neither was prepared to back out.  Of course that this is the sort of essential bedrock on which all good marriages are built.  Simone still did not really believe me so when we went to the Caravan and Camping show about two weeks later I bought a new caravan.  And then she realized I was serious.  And I realized it was too late to back out.

Then Nana (aka Jill) and Pa (Lindsay) said they would come along.  So I was really stuffed then.

We leave in late July 2011.  I will keep you posted ...