Tuesday 1 November 2011

Carnavon to Shark Bay (Denham) to Kalbarri

So after the delights of Carnavon we headed off to the world hertiage area of Shark Bay.  Given what we have seen in the past 13 weeks, we are now getting pretty fussy in terms of what impresses us.  Turquiose water is not enough.

Mum taking a photo of some rocks that
breathe.  They reminded dad of some
clients he has had ....
One thing that did not impress us great was a bunch of rocks that we all apparently descended from about 10 billion years ago - stomatalites. They look like rocks but are apparently alive and they are said to have been the source of all life.  Mum said, somewhat unnecessarily, that she recogised the family resemblance between some of them and Dad.

There was some strange wet stuff coming out of the sky that we had not seen since southern Queensland but even it quickly dried up once we got to the caravan park. 

Two best friends - at least until Isaac
next punches her ...
The next day we headed off to Francois Perron National Park.  Again, not even the families of emus walking along the road in front of us could impress us.  We did get impressed at Eagle Bluff where you stood on a walkway looking over 150m cliffs and looking down at sharks and dolphins swimming the water.

Another thing that impressed us was the WA tourism commission's job that they have done wtih Monkey Mia.  "Come and feed the dolphins!" they tell you. Good luck.  Only 5 dolphins get fed and only 2 or 3 of them actually turn up and they only get fed 4 fish each.  On the day we were there, in two of three feeds, only one dolphin got fed - some only 4 people - out of hundreds - actually got to feed them.  In the third feed, Anouk was one of them, which changed our impression of the place somewhat but if you want to feed dolphins go to Tin Can Bay.

Don't worry, we did not hit them ...
Later that morning we headed out to sea in a catamaran and saw dugongs. That was actually pretty cool.  Mum again commented on the family resemblance that they had with dad.

While in Shark Bay Isaac celebrated his third birthday.  Not many of his his friends turned up to help him celebrate.  Hopefully birthday number 4 will be a bigger one for him.  He does keep on saying, "I can't believe I'm 3".  The reason he cannot believe it is because we kept on telling him and everyone else that he is two so that we can get him into the caravan parks wtihout paying for him.

After Shark Bay we made it to Kalbarri, a small seaside town about 600 kms north of Perth.  It is home to the largest number of flies ever seen on the planet at any point in time.  They crawl in your eyes, your ears and up your nose.  The are disgusting.  We may have enjoyed Kalbarri without the flies.  With them, we did not even though we did see pods of about thirty dolphins swimming just off-shore.

Yes, you know a family of complete dorks.  Surely the photo
of the gits in Mt Isa let you know that already.
Dad had the idea one mornng to go out for breakfast.   This was after Yvette woke up at 5am and dad had to walk her around town so that some people in the caravan park could get some sleep. Sounded like a plan doesn't it especially when there is a cafe next to the caravan park?  Alas, once we got there, it was not open on Mondays.  We travelled on to another cafe only to find there were too many flies and a menu that only allowed for kids to eat scones - not for breakfast.  So we ended up at the bakery.  While there, two rather large females were buying their breakfast - pies, cream buns etc - the usual breakfast fare that one expects.  Mum said, in a very loud voice, "You are not having that for breakfast!"  Now, Mum's story is that she was talking to the kids who were saying that they wanted chocolate eclairs. However, the two women did not see it that way and retorted, "We are on holidays!"  Glad to see mum taking on the fitness message in such a direct fashion. We then thought we lost out keys on the way back to the van and the kids did not like the applies slices we bought for them.  We had Rice Bubbles about 9am.  Not the best morning especially when the flies were even thicker than the day before.

Tomorrow travelling further south.  Apparently, they are having record wet conditions down the south of the state. However, the great weather loves us and we are sure the rain is going to stop for us.


  1. I note young Isaac is net-less... is that some further form of punishment I should be reported to DHS?

  2. I totally agree about Monkey Mia. I hated it. We were punished for hiring a van for only two people, by being placed smack outside the door of the toilet block Apart from the obvious problems, the doors had powerful return springs and all night everybody just kept letting them go. They also had more rain in the week we went up there (but did not stay more than one night), and the catamaran refused to go out because there was no wind. There was a bird hide next to a pond, where you could sit and watch for birds that were obviously hiding very well. The dolphins, as you said, were a complete failure.

    I Kalbarri's defence, when you were there was absolutely the worst time of the year for flies. It is a really nice place to explore and I am sorry the little sods destroyed it for you.
