Tuesday 13 December 2011

The final stretch (Port Augusta to Adelaide to Robe to Port Fairy)

Hooray, she's walking!  Sure, a total dork
but she is walking!
Alas, after 140 days and 54 stops the great venture is drawing to an end.  We are in Victoria at the final stop of our journey.  Its nearly over and, while some members feel that the time we have spent camping has been enough, others want the journey go on forever and everyone agrees that its sad for this big adventure to be drawing to a close.  But its not quite over yet.

We stayed a (hot) night in Port Augusta.  Not much to report as we did not leave the caravan park.  It had a pool and we were only in Port Augusta.  (As I sit here in Port Fairy on a very cold evening, that seems a long time ago now).

After 4 1/2 months in the great outdoors,
Isaac shows off the perfect Hoyne
tan - and the equally perfect Hoyne
We then went on to Adelaide.  Somewhat bizarrely, it is harder to find things to do in the big cities than in the little towns.  Perhaps because you go little towns for a particular reason (a national park, a beach etc) whereas you go the big towns because they are big towns.  Or maybe its because Adelaide is so phenominally boring. Either way, after we went to Glenleg, did the city market, caught a tram and wondered up Rundle Street mall, there was little else we could think to do.  Having said that, the (absolutely enormous) caravan park that we stayed at in Adelaide - just north of Glenelg) was on a beautiful beach and we did spend some time there.  And we saw a very large stingray and then a pod of dolphins about 10 metres from the shore.  It may seem surprinsing to see such wildlife in Adelaide but the wildlife of Australia has become accustomed to the screams our children make and to the screaming of mum and dad and are actually attracted to it now.

Booking ahead was not really
necessary in Robe (or anywhere else
since Queensland..._
Anyway, from Adelaide we may our way to Robe.  We picked out a caravan park here that had in indoor heated pool so the kids could get some more swimming in and, given the 18 degree temperatures, that was not going to happen outside.  Pity they were so poorly behaved that we then banned them from going to it.  They were limited to the giant jumping pillow and the playground.  We are certainly tough parents.

Site of a where a Prado had been
bogged.  Serve the moron right for
driving on the soft part of the beach.
While in Robe we went to Little Dip Conservation Park which is just on the outskirts of Robe.  Dad had not quite appreciated what a serious four wheel drive expedition Little Dip would be.  Anyway, we made it on to the beach and discovered that the sand was VERY soft.  Our car tyres were alsready reduced from 38psi to 18psi and we became hopelessly bogged until about three quarters of the way up all the wheels.  That would have been had enough but, in addition, we were about 5 metres from the water and knew only that the tide was coming in - alas, we did not know how far the tide would come in.  Of course, Dad kept his cool and the tingling sensation he had all down his left arm were not anxiety related at all.  However, to demonstrate that we have learned something on this holiday Mum just pointed out that we should remove the sand from around the tyres and let more air out of the tyres (down to 10 psi).  We got out (wihtout even using the winch) and Dad had full feeling return to his arm within 12 hours.

Getting water from the caravan park at Port Augusta was
a bit harder than we were used to....
After Robe, we made our way to Port Fairy, home of the well known folk festival. Now, we have been to the folk festival many times and Anouk likes to hear that she saw and danced to her favourite singer (Kasey Chambers) here about 3 1/2 years ago. However, despite the fact that we have been here before we did not realise two things about the place.  First, that there were things here other than a folk festival (such as a big island in the mouth of the Moyne River which houses a colony of rare mutton birds - did ANYONE else know about this) and the town of Port Fairy is home to the largest colony of old women in the country.  They are everywhere.

Would you believe that this is the child who has the
 least attitude of the three?
The kids continue to develop - none more so that Yvette in the past week.  In the last week or so she has started to actually walk rather than stuble like a drunk. Might have something to do with the fact that we stopped giving her bundy to make her go to sleep but  then Mum was a bit late in regards to walking too - so Nana tells us - so its not all her fault.  Isaac really has returned to being a nice little fellow (saying, "I love Mum/Dad, You are the best Mum/Dad in the world" about ten times a day demonstrating a flair for sucking up also.  Anouk - well, perhaps, this is not the best moment to be discussing Anouk.  Here In Port Fairy, we again chose a caravan park wtih an indoor pool and again we have banned Anouk using it.

There will be a couple more posts after we return just adding some conclusions to the trip.  We will see you all soon. 


  1. Could not stop reading this, seriously. I was sorry when it ended. We are looking at something similar and I fear we are of similar temperament and expectations as yourselves (although sans kids and a fair bit older even than Dad):> I think this is a really good, balls and all rundown and very amusing to read. I would be proud of such a journal.

    1. Thanks Nick. I appreciate your comments including the earlier ones about Kalbarri. I am sure it is a really nice place without flies. Indeed, one of the things we learned as we travelled around was that you take other people's views about places with a grain of salt - their views could have been impacted by any number of things - the weather, sunburn, their mood, the number of racist grey nomads they met they day.... anything. Its much better to do as much research as you can but do not base your views on what any one particular person said.

      And by all means, do it!!!
