Thursday 4 August 2011

Byron Bay to Coolum

Byron Bay was, as one would expect, fantastic given that we had great weather.  Unfortunately, it was also unseasonally warm in Melbourne which was disappointing. Far better to laud it over those poor folk back in Melbourne if they are freezing through a shocking winter than when they are enjoying temperatures not dissimilar to your own.  Good news is that winter is on its way back to Melbourne town.

In any event, we had a number of great surprises in Byron.  First was the fantastic first birthday party that the Sue and Mark put on for Yvette's first birthday.  It has to said that they really outdid themselves to put on a great birthday for her and for the second and third youngest members of Team NQTLBros and their parents.  Cake decorating for the kids, followed by a huge BBQ, fairy tablecloths, and plates etc a and balloons etc etc.  The whole experience.  It was fantastic.

Niki, River and Soul lunching at main
beach at Byron Bay
The other surprise was when Simone was doing the washing and someone called out, "Hello Simone."  Not knowing anyone else likely to be camping at all, let along in Byron Bay, it was a real surprise to bump into Niki Fisher and her family, Pete, River and Soul (sorry if I have the spelling wrong).  Apparently they take the winter off every year and travel up to Byron and the surrounding area.  Anyway, nice life if you can get it.

Today we travelled from Byron to Coolum.  First I have to say one big tick for the Queensland government. Even though this route would appear to take in Brisbane, you actually bypass it and we basically were on 100kmh the whole way.  Basically did not see a town between the Byron Bay and Coolum.  Its pretty impressive.

The tur-maid at Coolum beach.
However, even better was meeting up with Nana and Pa. The arrived at the caravan park just as we were checking in. Pretty good timing when we consider that we have both travelled about 2000 kms from Melbourne and basically arrived at the same place at the same time.  We checked out the beach this afternoon.  Anouk wanted to make a sandcastle.  She wanted to do a mermaid.  I wanted to do a turtle - essentially because they are easier.  In the end we agreed to do a turtle.  Well, I thought we agreed.  Anouk was in charged of the tail and it looked suspiciously like the turtle was given a mermaid's tail.

Tomorrow the fourth youngest member of the Team NQTLBros travels back to Melbourne for the memorial of his cousin, Danny.  Sadly, Danny passed away on 26 July 2011.  He will be greatly missed.  He was a tremendous bloke with a very dry and keen sense of humour but none of his humour was even nasty or against someone else.  A joke told at Danny's own expense was much funnier to him than a joke at someone else's expense.  He was much loved and he died way too young.

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