Monday 15 August 2011

Cape Hillsborough to Bowen

After the excitement of Cape Hillsborough, Bowen lacks a bit.  But then, Bowen might lack a bit after the "excitement" or Mordialloc.  Hence, rather than writing about a boring town towards the north of Queensland, let me explain our experience of travelling and camping with three kids so far.

After dad's effort at parking at Bundaberg
Isaac took over the driving. 
Their travelling has been pretty good.  We have discovered that we can go about 350 to 400 kms but that is the absolute limit.  If we go further than that then, even if they do not lose it during the trip, they will lose it after we get there.  And when they lose it, we lose it.  And its not pretty.  But otherwise they have been pretty good so far.

Three tubs means a quick bath time.  And a great shot for their
21st birthday parties .....
Yvette has been a really crappy sleeper so far and when a 12 month is a crappy sleeper in a caravan, it tends to be somewhat disruptive.  In the same way that the atomic bomb was "somewhat disruptive" of life in Hiroshima.  And when she loses it, we lose it.

But we are working into a routine.  We are working out the jobs we do and do not do.  Apparently, it is nobody's job to put the clips on the pop top on the caravan because we have driven off twice with them undone.  And when we discovered that, we lost it.

Anyway, so far, so good.  Other than all of the times we have lost it.  Maybe we should relax more.  Perhaps we need a holiday....

1 comment:

  1. Love that photo. It appeals to the 'process improvement' side of my brain.
