Tuesday 23 August 2011

Townsville to Hughenden

Townsville really is a super spot.  We took a trip over to Magnetic Island and had a great day at the very kid friendly beaches. Dad and Anouk went on another walk - Anouk really is a very impressive hiker - and we ended up at another nudist beach.  (I really hope no-one from DHS ever reads this blog).  Again, I swear I did notknow that is what is was and the rumours that this blog is to become a reference map of niudist beaches is not correct.  Anyway, for future reference, keep away from Balding Bay if you are on Magnetic Island and have impressionable children.

And Anouk is definately impressionable.  She can already ask, "Hows youse all goin'?" like a local.

Nana and Pa also checked out the museum in Townsville and while watching a documentary there about (and I quote) "something", they both managed to nod off.  But they both said it was excellent.  Gotta love those grey nomads.  Very easy to please.

Big truck, slow truck
Anyway, we then headed west along the Flinders Highway (actually, its about 60kms south to start with which is a bit annoying) on the way to an overnight stop at Hughenden.  We met out first road trains.  They're big.

Part of the team with the most impressive
tourst attraction in Hughenden - Isaac is about
as impressed by the Muttaburrasauras
as dad.  It would be easier to see why if the
photographer was better ...
I think that this little episode explains our trip to Hughendon quite well.  I was waiting outside the dinosaur museum(seriously and its not quite as bad it could potentially be) with Yvette in the car as she was asleep.  The others had gone in.  Mum brought Isaac out to me because he was being a [insert your four letter expletive of choice here - my starts with a "t"].  As we sat there - on the main street of Hughenden - a tumbleweed blew by.

This shows that:
- Isaac is being a revolting t*rd;
- Hughenden is impressively boring.

Indeed, the most exciting thing that happened in Hughenden was when I came face-to-fang with a spider about the size of my head as I was brushing my teeth.  Didn't know it was possible for me to skip my evening toilet stop but I learnt that night that it is.


  1. Now that is the Queensland I know. Hot. Dusty and huge spiders...
    Anouk was top of the class at running time... Excellent stamina:)
    (A dee da dee da doe doe... That's the running song hehe)

  2. who can forget that song Miss Sam!? hehe

    It's great to hear about your adventures guys! The tumbleweed was especially hilarious. Missing the little ones at kinder though. :D
